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Max & Eitan’s Story

Antlers Staff Posted by Antlers Staff in Antlers at Vail Conferences, Meetings and Groups 3 min read

Posted: June 2, 2015

The Antlers at Vail Wedding Groups

With its spectacular creek side pool, and welcoming conference space, the Antlers at Vail is home to many Vail wedding groups. Some simply take advantage of the spacious condos for family lodging, and others host their wedding rehearsal dinner or farewell brunch by the pool and a few even hold their wedding ceremony at the Antlers. Just as with our longtime guests, these couples become a part of our family when they share their special day with us. We love hearing their stories and feel especially privileged when they let us share those stories with you.

Max & Eitan’s Story: Colorado Kayaking Adventure Withstands Odds

Max & Eitan's post-wedding brunch at the Antlers is sure to have as much spice as their story of how they met.

Max & Eitan’s post-wedding brunch at the Antlers is sure to have as much spice as their story of how they met.

In 2007, Max finally had the opportunity to meet her high school crush on a visit back to their hometown for a mutual friend’s birthday. They were both immediately captivated by each other and did not allow the distance to interfere. Eitan invited Max to join him on a camping trip to Colorado.

After a stop in Denver they arrived at their camping destination near Buena Vista, Colorado. One of Eitan’s college friends was spending the summer as a raft guide there and agreed to take them down Brown’s Canyon in inflatable kayaks. They successfully navigated the mighty Arkansas River with almost no incident… As they were approaching a rapid known as Big Drop, Max was on track to finesse the tumultuous waves – just like their reliable guide – when their guide went down the rapid and almost instantaneously flipped his kayak. Before she knew what was happening Max was also rolling through the water and in her panic managed to dislocate her shoulder. For what seemed like forever, Max was under the surface of the water paddle still in hand. When she emerged, they were all able to get to shore, where she knocked her shoulder back in place and was coddled by Eitan, who was extremely relieved to have narrowly averted a tragedy.

They continued down the river, enjoying the sun and the waves. At the take-out, they emptied out the dry bag to find the car keys had gone missing. Meanwhile Eitan’s dog, Floyd, patiently waited for them inside the car. Fortunately they were able to unlock the car through the open window and release Floyd.  After a three hour drive to Canyon City in a 1970’s VW Bus and countless phone calls to car dealerships they were finally able to get replacement keys.

The trip seemed to be back on track until they received a call from Eitan’s friend back in Milwaukee notifying him that his house had been robbed. They headed back to Denver where Floyd stayed at a friend’s house for an afternoon while they explored Boulder to have another trip cut short upon the news that Floyd and a friend’s dog had a debate over some dog food with Floyd ultimately getting the short end of the stick – and stitches to boot!

After an evening at the emergency veterinary clinic they decided that a night out was needed, on the condition that Eitan’s friend Dave would call Max an early morning cab to make her flight out the following morning. Dave “may have forgot” to call her cab for the next morning and she missed her flight out. Dave then came to the rescue with a free flight voucher to get her home.

The couple eventually made it home, and back out to school, with the insight that they had something that could withstand all odds.

We are so glad because fast forward through many other adventures and Max & Eitan and their loved ones are joining us at the Antlers at Vail for a post-wedding brunch which we are sure will have as much spice as their journey has had so far.