Welcome to our Vail Guide, a detailed directory of local Vail area businesses including restaurants, transportation, activities and much more. This is intended to be a resource and help you discover all that Vail has to offer. This directory is not a recommendation. Should you like personal recommendations, your Antlers reservations agent also doubles as your concierge and is happy to assist you in planning most details of your Vail vacation. Please call them at 970-476-2471.
Ski Butlers provides our complimentary in-house valet service. While they will valet your skis and snowboards, regardless of whether rented from them or another company, or brought your own equipment, renting from them provides the smoothest service. After being fitted in your condo, they will tag your skis or boards and take them to your locker to have them awaiting you at our designated rack in the morning. Mention that you're staying with us for a 15% discount!