Bravo! Vail Music Director, Anne-Marie McDermott, performs above. One of the perks of having her and all the other fantastic Bravo! musicians stay at the Antlers is the music that often wafts from the condos where they are practicing or the conference space that boasts a piano on which they rehearse.
Anne-Marie McDermott is one of our very special guests at Antlers each year. She recently shared the following with us: “My time in Vail, as Artistic Director of the Bravo! Vail Music Festival, is incredibly busy and sometimes very intense. Coming home to the Antlers, where I can practice the piano, enjoy a river view while grilling salmon, put my feet up in a comfortable living room gives me exactly the kind of relaxation between events that I need. Year after year I feel so well cared for by the most friendly, warm and helpful staff, it almost makes going home to New York City a little hard. I love the Antlers and all the great musicians who stay here love it too! It has become quite the musical hotbed during the summer months!”
We want Anne-Marie, as well as all of the other amazing musicians who perform with Bravo!, to know just how special they are to the staff at Antlers! Can you imagine spending a quiet Saturday afternoon at your desk to catch-up on projects and having the incredible good fortune to hear a world class violinist practicing nearby? Or doing inventory in the conference area while listening to an amazing piano recital? Mere words cannot convey just how amazing these experiences are – we are beyond fortunate to share in this musical experience every July. Thank You, Bravo! musicians!