How Soon we Forget
Maybe it’s 9-11, Katrina or Sandy. Maybe it’s Columbine or the fires in Colorado in recent years. Maybe it’s t...
Hiking Mt Sherman 2011
Mt Sherman Hike (14,036′) A decent short 14er for those who want to notch the first one on their belts. It takes about 4 ho...
Bighorn Cabin
Greetings hikers! Bighorn cabin is a private property (although left open as a storm shelter) located at about 10800 feet in the G...
Grouse Lake Hiking Trail
Grouse Lake, a beautiful 6.25 mile hike to a beautiful lake known for its fine fishing. This hike is a great one if you are ...
The Hanging Lake
Hangking LakeThe Hanging Lake is probably the best bang for your shoe leather hike in Colorado. Its just a two mile hike follow a...
My Holy Cross hiking experience
Hello, I am Tyler the new night shift guy at Antlers in Vail. Just last week a friend of mine came out from Massachusetts to camp...