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Rachel Bendickson

Front Desk
Rachel Bendickson headshot

Where is your hometown?
I was born and raised in North Iowa in a town called Mason City. It is exactly 2hrs (120 miles) South of Minneapolis and 2hrs (120 miles) North of Des Moines. I graduated high school and college there. The last 25 years I lived 6 miles up the road in Clear Lake, Iowa, which is where I raised my son who graduated from high school there in 2018. I consider Clear Lake to be my hometown.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?
I wish I had the ability to somehow, or someway: heal the injured or sick .

Favorite vacation?
My family (My parents, my sisters and my child) traveled to Massachusetts for my older brother’s wedding in October. The entire week was filled with celebration and family time. We saw the Red Sox play at fenway, had a paddleboat rehearsal dinner on the Pilgrim Belle that took off near Plymouth Rock and all sorts of other things in between. I still refer to it as “The Wedding of the Century”. And Boston in the fall is beautiful. (I believe it was in 2010)

Favorite spot in Colorado and why?
Thus far, my favorite spot in Colorado is driving up or down Berthoud Pass. I have never seen anything quite so big and beautiful. Where I come from, if you look on either side of you when driving, you see lots of corn fields, windmills and can see for miles and miles as it is very flat.

What is your favorite memory?
Many memories with my son, Gage, who survived a brain tumor at the age of 9 by the blessed hands of his neurosurgeon and the power of prayer. The first time I took him to Boston to see my brother or all the times we celebrated his birthday at my mom’s house, just all of his years growing up. If the memory has Gage in it, I would call it my favorite. (He is now almost 24 years old, and living and working in the Des Moines area after his 4years at the University of Iowa.)

What historical figure would you most like to have met?
Anne Frank

Tell us about yourself. Is there anything else you would like to share? You can also come up with a creative question to add to this list and answer it.
I love to help other people in any way I can. Finding joy in everyday life and helping others to find and have joy in their day to day makes me feel hopeful as well as helpful. Being kind and loving is a direct result of living my life with gratitude. Which in turn, produces more kindness and love for others in my heart.