The Antlers at Vail hotel is offering special Pink Vail rates April 4-5, 2014
People walk, run, and even shave their heads to benefit cancer care. Here in Vail, we ski! 100% of the proceeds from Pink Vail stay local, benefiting patient care and survivorship programs at Shaw Regional Cancer Center – a boutique cancer center serving residents of Colorado and around the country. Unfortunately, many of us have been affected by cancer. Pink Vail celebrates the united fight against the disease in a fun and unforgettable way.
We at the Antlers at Vail like to support good causes and so are an official hotel and not only are we offering great Pink Vail lodging rates to participants but we will also donate $5 for each room booked to Pink Vail.
- We are offering Pink Vail participants a special $199/night for April 4 & 5, 2014.
- Participants who raise $300-$749 will receive a rate of $129/night in a studio, 1 BR, or 1 BR with bunks for April 4 & 5, 2014 .
- Participants who raise $750 or more will receive a rate of $99/night in a studio, 1 BR, or 1 BR with bunks for April 4 & 5, 2014 .
Call (800) 843-8245 and mention code: Pink Vail or 142870 to book! To sign up to fundraise go to PinkVail.com.
Register solo or form a team at www.pinkvail.com and ask friends and family to support your fundraising efforts. Then, join us on April 5, 2014 for a day on Vail Mountain to celebrate our united fight against cancer. Incredible prizes are awarded to top fundraisers, best costumes, and winners of the “Checkpoint Challenge.” The event includes on-mountain deck parties, live music, and the Celebration Ski-Down—a tribute ski to those who have fought or lost their battle with cancer. All proceeds from Pink Vail benefit patient care and resources at Shaw Regional Cancer Center.