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Any Idea Who These People Are?

Greg Posted by Greg in Vail Colorado 1 min read

Posted: November 1, 2014

Halloween is a holiday like no other.   People don’t spend a billion dollars every year on costumes and decorations if their not serious about pretend.

We met at a local pub this past Friday to celebrate “what, I don’t know”.


Ryan and Katie enjoy a few apps while pretending they are someone else.

This guy even talked funny and told lame jokes..."what is a pirates favorite letter?"

This guy even talked funny and told lame jokes…”what is a pirates favorite letter?”


Darci cast a spell and Dan struggles with his cocktail


Katie was never this sweet and Michael put on his boyhood clothes and looked normal to me.


Some people came as housekeepers.


Magda came as an Ecuadorian Indian. What an imagination.


Wilma (Randi) is about to meet Dr Death (Ramon) while sweet Katie enjoys the moment.

Nothing wrong with a few professionals “dressing down” after work.

Happy Halloween!