GM Updates
What a wonderful Annual Homeowners Meeting we had this year. With about 65% ownership participation, we felt your care, support, and interest in the Antlers endeavors and projects.
I want to thank those of you who were able to attend the meeting in-person or via Zoom. My thanks also to those who couldn’t make it but sent us your proxies. Your calls or emails with questions, suggestions, or recommendations are always welcomed and well-received.
I do apologize to the owners who joined the meeting via Zoom. I know the video was not properly focused/working as it should have been. We learned a valuable lesson this year as to how to run a live Zoom Meeting, which is not as simple as it sounds. We hope to present better next year.
In the following link, you will be able to access the DRAFT Annual Homeowners’ Meeting minutes. If you have any questions or corrections, please let me know. I’m happy to work on this as the notes are fresh in your mind.
To recap, we presented you a fiscal budget based on a gross rental income of $8.3M (36/64 rental split). This is the driving force behind our operation budget. We also presented an increase our General Assessment to reflect accurately our association expenditure. Salaries, utilities and insurance were some of the driving factors for this increase.
A part of our meeting was used to discuss further our Capital Reserve Funding Strategy and future capital projects.In the following link, you will find the presented slides which recap our strategy and last year’s expenditure. We included a comparison chart as to what we showed you last year, and what we ended up spending (and its variance). You can also see the updated Capital Reserve Fund Summary here.
In the Antlers history we’ve had very few Special Assessments, and all of them were to fund capital projects for the building. We envision that for the next fiscal year we will have a $1M Special Assessment to proactively address some equipment that is nearing its life-end. Boilers aren’t one of those things that you “see” but we all suffer if we don’t have them working properly. During this year, we will be sharing valuable information regarding our Capital Reserve Strategy and accomplishments plus a more formal plan about this special assessment.
As always, any questions,comments, suggestions, recommendations are welcome! Please do not hesitate to contact Chris Manning and Elena or I to share your thoughts.
I find myself often reading about strong organizations and are they made of. I repeatedly discover that a good place to work is one that values and supports its employees, and where employees feel valued and respected with a shared commitment. I know our staff is invested, and motivated to work at the Antlers because they feel your respect, they share the responsibility of having a wonderful building and guest’s satisfaction, and they enjoy working for you. Your appreciation does not go unnoticed.
I feel I have the best job in the world, and for that I am most grateful. Thank you for making me feel this way.
Warmest Regards, Magda