To bid on this one-of-a-kind pink wool hat email rob (at) antlersvail (dot) com by 4 pm on Friday, March 31, 2016.
Ever heard of Felting? Well… we have. It is a fibre arts craft that our very own Antlers family member, Evelyn Pinney, has taken a shine to. It is an age-old craft, perhaps developed in the Middle East or the Far East, a process that has evolved with local traditions wherever it was used. From artists creating unique pieces of art to nomads on the great plains of Asia creating felt yurts for shelter, the art still exists today. Needle felting is a popular form of felting that creates felt from wool using special needles that are used in industrial felting machines as a sculpting tool. Well, you may wonder why we are writing about felting. Once a year a very unique event come to Vail — Pink Vail — the world’s largest ski day to conquer cancer. And, when such a good cause and fun event comes to town our very own artist and felter gets to work and creates a one-of-a-kind pink hat for some lucky bidder to be able to sport on the mountain for Pink Vail, AND the funds go to benefit cancer patients and survivors at the Shaw Cancer Center. To make this one-of-a-kind pink wool hat your very own and support a great cause you can place a bid via email rob (at) antlersvail (dot) com or 970-790-5200 by 4 pm on Friday, March 31, 2016.
Want to learn more about the process of felting? Watch this short video.
Postscript, April 4 – The hat sold for $75. A check for that amount is winging its way toward Pink Vail.