Featured Antlers Team Member: Cristobal Hernandez Rodriguez
Cristobal Hernandez Rodriguez came to work at the Antlers as a houseman 8 years ago. He is the son of a famous tailor in Vera Cruz, Mexico and trained with his father in that profession for fourteen years before moving to the U.S. and then coming to work with us at the Antlers. Not only is Cristobal kind hearted and reliable, but he is also an extremely hard worker. He was working two jobs in addition to his job at the Antlers when he first started as a houseman. Eventually we realized that he had other skills that we could take advantage of and were able to entice him to work just with us. He now sews all of our custom linens, fixes cushions and really anything else that can be improved by a skilled tailor. He helps out in the laundry, in addition to his many duties as houseman. He lives on site at the Antlers and is on call two days a week. As Rob LeVine put it, “In any group of employees, there’s always one or two that you just wish you could clone. Cristobal’s at the top of that list. His unfailingly great attitude along with his incredible work ethic make him an absolute delight to work with. Yes, we are beyond fortunate to have him on Team Antlers.”