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Colorado Leaf Peeping 2024

Magda King Posted by Magda King in Family Activities 1 min read

Posted: October 5, 2024

Sunset viewed while leaf peeping in Colorado

Full disclosure: This blog is bias because yellow is (and will always be) my favorite color.

The Colorado leaves in the fall make me happy.  They fill my heart with gratitude and make me believe in the goodness of our mother earth.


sunset in Colorado
Happiness is taking in sunset after a day of leaf peeping in Colorado.
The sun shining through the golden Aspens.
The sun shining through the golden Aspens.
Golden Aspens on Vail Pass this 2024 leaf peeping season.
sunset in Colorado
The sun shining through the golden Aspens.

I understand that there is much science behind those white-skinny trunks that are categorized as one of the biggest living organisms with a very complex root system, but I don’t know much about that.  What I do know is that they are unique, fun, and yellow in the fall, therefore, I love them!

Aspens make people feel romantic (so many mark their initials inside a crooked carved heart). They encourage us to leave our homes, go for a ride and see them. When you are in an Aspen Forest, you know you are not alone and if a leaf falls off, I encourage you to take a closer look at its perfection. Personally, I take the leaves and press them. They become my bookmarks.

Aspen trees are the didactic demonstration that “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven”. They teach you patience, kindness and to find beauty in the “old”.

Don’t take the natural beauty for granted. Its display was made only for you to enjoy it. Take the time to do so because it will make you wiser.