The Antlers at Vail hotel has partnered with Starting Hearts and installed an AED.
Because we love our guests, employees & neighbors…Antlers is very pleased to announce that we have purchased an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) that is installed just inside the doorway to the right of our Lobby. An AED is highly effective, very easy to use, and can deliver a life saving shock to restart or restore the normal heart rhythm of someone who has suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).
We are participating in Starting Hearts efforts to educate our community in life-saving techniques using CPR training and AEDs. Starting Hearts began in 2010 after Lynn Blake, its founder, suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest at the age of 27. The quick response of bystanders who performed CPR and administered an AED resulted in her being among the fortunate 8% who survive SCA. Her mission is to increase the odds for others and Antlers is very happy to support the efforts of Starting Hearts.
With Sudden Cardiac Arrest being the leading cause of unexpected death in Colorado, Antlers wants to do its part to provide the most effective emergency assistance possible.